Burn a Path

Dragon Age


Work in Progress

Wordcount: 57,866

Content tags:
Canon Dialogue, Mid-Canon, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn,
Elf/Human Relationship, Elven Identity Politics, Pride and Prejudice and Shemlen

Chapter 1

Exiled and clanless, Velanna's last chance to save her sister is a band of Grey Wardens led by a flat-ear. On top of that, a human keeps trying to earn her friendship for reasons she can't fathom. The Grey Wardens are triumphant heroes after recently ending the Blight, so perhaps he isn't a danger like the others of his kind, but there's something off about him...

Chapter 2

Velanna learns a great deal more about what she's pledged her service to, as well as the human who keeps insisting she can trust him.

Chapter 3

The Wardens arrive in Amaranthine, and Tabris takes Velanna on a tour of the city that leaves her feeling unbalanced.

Chapter 4

A rescue is staged. Politics complicate matters. Velanna picks a fight.

Chapter 5

The party descends into the Deep Roads, where they make a new friend and a lot of corpses.

Chapter 6

The Wardens delve deeper into Kal'Hirol. The sedative properties of elfroot indirectly help save Sigrun. Velanna just wants to take a bath.

Chapter 7

Sigrun sees the stars for the first time, Velanna gets a human-shaped headache, and Nathaniel addresses a mob.

Chapter 8

An assassination is attempted. Zevran tests Nathaniel's limits. Velanna mistakes her feelings for indigestion.

Chapter 9

Sigrun's Joining swiftly approaches.

Updated 10-10-2022